Hi Ilya! I just finished reading your article:
And I must say I agree with a lot of points there, specially with the first section of it: Outdated technology. That's exactly the reason why I started making this language, having distributed systems and micro-services in mind and to support them in the core.
The RPC protocol I created for Clio is minimalistic, and it's super easy to port it to other languages. Clio uses this protocol for multi-threading and also micro-services/faas. In future Clio users will be able to host their Python, Go, etc code with just a command, then import and use them seamlessly in Clio (and into any other language supporting the Clio protocol!), or even better they will be able to just do
from "py:myPythonModule" import myPythonFunction
to make all of it work automagically.
The goal of this language isn't to create just another functional language, it's to make life easier for developers like myself who want to target distributed systems or micro-services. There are plenty of languages out there, but to me it seems like they're just reimplementing the same concepts over and over again, some of them are just implementing them better. My goal is to create new concepts.
I cannot really compare other aspects of the language to the others, Clio is very young and experimental at the moment, the syntax/semantics keep changing. What I can tell you is that, it's going to be a noise-free, minimal language made specifically for distributed systems.